Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a big game. We can do many things in this open-world game. Besides completing story missions, we can do side missions too, like Taxi Driver or Street Races. There are many mini-games to play too, such as Pool or Gambling. Searching for facts or things that are considered secrets is also GTA SA's "feature".

These are the most popular secrets in GTA San Andreas.

1. Rockstar takes revenge on Driv3r

In the mission "Madd Dogg's Rhymes", you will hear from a man who is playing a videogame, sitting by the television, saying to himself: 'Yeah, look how this Tanner guy runs! He moves like his bowels have let go... This sucks. I mean, how could Refractions mess up so bad? Tanner, you suck ass!'

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We can see how "Refractions" is similar to Reflections, the real name of the company. Besides, Tanner is the name of the main character from the game Driv3r. Driv3r had little Tommy Vercetti's with water wings because Tommy couldn't swim from GTA Vice City.

2. Rockstar takes revenge on True Crime

There is no doubt that the game "True Crime: Streets of L.A." is based on the GTA series with its free-roam gameplay. In fact, there is a billboard in GTA San Andreas that says 'Get rid of old rubbish, fast! True Grime: Street Cleaners'.

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To see the billboard, follow the train tracks from your safehouse until you get to Unity Station. It is at the beginning of the tunnel, directly above you.

For your information, in True Crime, there were billboards that had a GTA-style cartoon of a guy wearing a pink jockstrap. Next to it read "JOCKSTRAP" in the same style as the Rockstar logo, as well as a J* beside to mock Rockstar's Logo, R*.

In addition, in the mission "Home Invasion" from Ryder, during the cutscene before you enter the house to rob, Ryder says "Yah, yah, we gotta do it ninja style!". In "True Crime: Streets of LA" the main character Nick Kang says that same thing right as you start any of the sneaking missions.

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3. Vice City and Manhunt Action Figures in Zero's RC Shop

Go inside Zero's RC shop in Garcia, San Fierro. On the rack by the counter, and on the wall behind the counter, you'll find Tommy and Lance from Vice City, as well as two characters from Manhunt being sold as action figures.

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4. Vice City Maps in Trash Cans

Go to Angel Pine, and find the Cluckin' Bell. Right across the street, you will see 3 trash cans. Two of them have open tops. Knock them over, and look inside. You'll see a bunch of maps of Vice City.

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5. Vice City Boxart in A Building's Window and Denise's Bedroom

Go to the southern San Fierro, just north of Mount Chiliad, where you can see the 5 round towers. The buildings to the west of them have a low-resolution version of the Vice City Boxart plastered all around the building's windows.

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Also, if you go to Denise's bedroom, then you can see her having a poster of Vice City's boxart above her bed.

6. Max Payne in A Gas Station's Window

Go to Dillimore in the countryside, north of Los Santos. At the gas station, look at the window. It says "Max Pane Bulletproof Glass", a direct reference to Rockstar's shooter Max Payne, well-known for it's bullet-time slow motion.

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Those are 6 of the most popular secrets in GTA San Andreas. Do you know other secrets in the game? Drop your comments below!

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