The Downtown Vinewood Bail Office is one of the Bail Enforcement Offices properties available in GTA Online, located in Downtown Vinewood, North Los Santos.

It has been added to the game as part of the update on June 25, 2024.

The property comes with storage space for 3 vehicles.

How to buy the Downtown Vinewood Bail Office in GTA Online:

The Downtown Vinewood Bail Office can be purchased from Maze Bank Foreclosures for a price of $2,620,000.

You're probably wondering how we can afford to list suck a competitive price in Downtown Vinewood. And that's understandable. But our website's strict character limit means we just don't have the space to explain. Instead, rest assured when we say this Retail property is a golden opportunity to be creative, optimistic, forward-thinking and wholly ignorant of the recent past.

Property Information

Map Location: Downtown Vinewood Bail Office

Downtown Vinewood Bail Office - Map Location in GTA Online

Release Information

  • DLC / Title Update
  • Release Date June 25, 2024
  • Platforms PC, PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
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